Cloud Version:
TrajAnalytics is developed as a cloud-based software which can be accessed through Web browsers. It supports users to load raw trajectory data, and perform road based map matching and aggregation, as well as perform region based map matching and aggregation. The generated data tables, including Trajectory Data (TD Table), Trajectory Data on Streets (TDS Table), or Trajectory Data on Regions (TDR Table), are stored in TrajBase database on our cloud. A TrajVis visualization interface allows users to conduct extensive visual analysis at any time. Please read the TrajAnalytics guideline for details. You can start to use TrajAnalytics below. For accounts and other help, please contact us at
Data Loading

TrajAnalytics provides users with an independent data preprocessing software for users to load their own data to TrajAnalytics.
Road Map Matching

TrajAnalytics automatically fetch corresponding road segments data from OpenStreetMap and match the raw GPS data with road segments.
Region Map Matching

TrajAnalytics automatically match the raw GPS data with Zip code regions (USA Only) or Grid Regions.
Visualization System

TrajAnalytics provides easy to user Web interface for visually analyzing urban trajectory datasets. It allows users to interactively visualize and analyze trajectories over urban spaces.